Monday, January 14, 2008


must be the time of year...
i always get much more introspective...
maybe it has to do with the days being shorter...
darker earlier...makes me feel darker inside...

i look inside...deep the things i wish for...
the things i'm still lacking...inside..
and wonder what it will take to find those things...
the pieces that are missing...
the dreams yet achieved...

maybe i just get introspective since there is less to do...
this time of year...not as active...
although lately i've been isolating...
an improvement is that i know that is what i've been doing...
it's been a conscious choice i've made recently...
spending the time alone...time to reflect...
to decide how to change things in my life...

and still i wonder what it will take...
to make those changes...
to find the missing pieces...
to fulfill the dreams in my heart...