Wednesday, March 22, 2006


i take the time to discover that i have friends today
true friends...good friends...loving friends
i almost lost them over something stupidity...
my not listening...not understanding...the fear of loss
overtook my thoughts...and i cried...cried at the possibility
of losing the very people i was pushing away...scared me ...
scared me enough that i contacted my friends...and demanded
explanations...then apologized for my bizarre reactions and my
insane approach to the situation...apologized for thinking they
didn't care...apologized for almost abandoning the very people
i love the most...and we hugged...and repaired the friendship...
stronger it grew...the power of and my two best friends

full moon prayers

i prayed to the full moon goddess
she smiled upon me
and you entered my life

you made my heart soar
your voice lifted my spirits
the sight of you made my knees weak

i thought you were the one i had been seeking
but that was a myth created in my mind
one born of longing and desire not based in reality

i listened to the words you chose to use
yet misunderstood their meaning

i look to the full moon goddess now
and see her laughing at my naivete
be careful what you pray for is the message i hear