Monday, April 25, 2005

more random thoughts

i need to start learning to not have my heart so involved in things...i used to be really good at that....just removing my feelings....well, not so sure i removed them, just buried them so deep inside that they didn't get hurt...somewhere along the line, i uncovered them...and laid them out there for all to see....and now i seem to have difficulty burying them again...or even protecting them....they seem to be worn on my sleeve...out in the open...showing the scars of battles long since wounded that they can't be covered up

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

ramblings continued fears have subsided a little.....but my insecurities are still out in full force....don't know how to fix that....LIE....i do know how but i'm not willing yet......totally know the difference between right and wrong....between good and bad...yet not willing to do anything different to change sometimes...being an adult is not as much fun as i thought it would be when i was a kid......

message board has a thread today on This I Believe...
here's what i least today
1. I believe I don't know as much as I think I do.
2. I believe that love shouldn't hurt.
3. I believe my parents don't know everything but they know a lot more than I gave them credit for when I was a teenager.
4. I believe reality is sometimes just a figment of my imagination.
5. I believe I am not perfect and don't strive for perfection...but strive for progress in all I do.

was harder to write that than i thought it would be....had to really think about what it is that i believe....i expected it to be easy to write...but i had to really think ... guess i could have written just anything but wanted to really write from my inner spot....think i need to do that more right now...

very introspective these past couple of days...not sure why or where it's coming from...get like that sometimes...don't always like when it happens...tend to get mushy and sentimental and such....not sure if i like myself when i get like that...well...not sure if i like that side of myself ... guess it's all part of me so i just have to deal with it...


random thoughts from an idle mind......

such a idle mind tends to to roam...sort of like free association these days....not focused on any one thing...well, not true...mind is focused on certain things..but it's not good for me to dwell there....